Friday 31 July 2009

Tree Octopus and Belguim

Just like when you thought about what you were watching and asked questions about the House Hippo, check out some websites.  Don't trust everything you read.  Even though it's published on the Internet, some information may not be true.  

While you read the following websites, ask yourself some of these questions:
-Does the information on the site agree with things you've already learned?
-Why does the site exist?
-Who wrote the information?
-What is their point of view?
-When was the site created and updated last?
-Is the information supported with evidence from trusted sources?
-Are there links to more information?

What do you think about Belgium Doesn't Exist?

The House Hippo

Think about what you're watching on TV and ask questions (from Concerned Children's Advertisers)

What is "Media"?

In general, the term "media" refers to various means of communication.  

Some forms of media include:
-social media websites (twitter, facebook, delicious...)
-video games

Can you think of more forms of media?

A Healthy Dose of Skepticism

Welcome to Media Smarts!

  This blog has been created to lead you towards becoming a more active media consumer.  All day, every day, you are bombarded by messages.  It is vital that you look at these messages in a critical way, figuring out where they're coming from, what they're attempting to tell you (or sell you) and how they fit with your own life.

  Please feel free to contribute - point us towards good, great or scary media, tell us what you think of something written here and ask questions.

  The most important thing you can do when you are dealing with the media is to ask questions!  Evaluate the message you are receiving and incorporate it into your own existence appropriately.